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When choosing a solutions provider, we know you have a lot of companies to pick from. And it’s a big decision. One that could determine the success of your implementation project and affect your business for years to come. At first, many of your options may seem the same on the surface. But it’s important to keep in mind, like most things in life they are not all created equal. So, to help you decide whether Innovative Solutions. is the right partner for you, here are the top reasons our clients chose us.


read more about our services.

Capacity Development.

Innovative Solutions has a pool of international and local trainers with long experience in the humanitarian and development sectors. Our concept of capacity development is based on the idea that "every context is unique, still learning from other contexts can save many efforts." We aim to provide services tailored to the needs of clients and adapted to serve their contexts best. We strongly believe that a mix of international and local experts produces the best results.

In our training courses, we apply the latest approaches in adult learning. Our training builds on the experiences and environments of trainees. We use the technology to enrich the learning experience make it as much practical as possible. As we advocate the importance of planning, we apply this in all stages of our work, starting with the training preparation and not ending with the training evaluation. Below an example of our services in Capacity Development:

• Organizational capacity assessment
• Training needs assessment
• Interactive and participatory training.
• Tailored training
• Professional facilitation of meetings and conferences.
• Developing curricula and training materials.

Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability, and Learning.

Innovative Solution believes that MEAL is an essential factor to the success of any intervention. Therefore, we provide high-quality MEAL for our partners and clients. We support organizations, partners, and donors to better understand the impact of their funding and programming on affected beneficiaries and communities.

Innovative Solutions has a strong field network and presence in different countries of the region. Also, we have a broad network of consultants, local and international. Our reports are informative, to-the-point, and context-sensitive, providing actionable and practical recommendations to foster learning and development. Our well-established teams ensure better access and timely implementation to meet deadlines and milestones.

All our consultants, project managers, and field coordinators have international expertise in different sectors and fields and with various partners, including UN agencies and international donors. By recruiting both local and international expertise, we aim to help our partners and clients identify their programs' impacts on communities and beneficiaries. We also provide them with recommendations on how the programs can be improved to ensure better effectiveness, efficiency, impact, accountability, and sustainability. Below an example of our services in the MEAL:

• Third-party monitoring and evaluation.
• Data collection.
• Needs assessments.
• Developing evaluation plans, tools, and impact measurement.

Peacebuilding, conflict resolution, and stability support.

"Peace does not mean an absence of conflicts; differences will always be there. Peace means solving these differences through peaceful means; through dialogue, education, knowledge; and through humane ways." Dalai Lama XIV

Innovative Solutions' strategy commences with our full belief that peace and coexistence are the natural states of societies. Therefore, we always work with all components of society to increase the trust between these components and create common and safe spaces for all of them. Below are example of our services in the Peacebuilding sector:

• Designing and conducting conflict analysis and mapping.
• Preparing and delivering relevant training in peacebuilding and conflict resolution/ transformation.
• Conducting research studies in the field of peacebuilding, supporting stability, and reducing violence.
• Supporting small community-based groups, organizations, and companies.
• Providing financial, administrative, and technical support.
• Providing specialized consultations in administrative, organizational, and program development.

Translation and interpretation services.

Innovative Solutions has a team of translators, which includes ten translators to increase the number as needed. Most of the team members have high education, including MAs and BAs. They have translation experience in various fields, but the team's main focus is the humanitarian sector. The translation team is well established and organized to deliver the best quality translations within the deadline. The team is well equipped to use modern technology to increase productivity.

• Translatiion of documents especially for the development and humanitarian sectors.
• Interpretation service for meetings, conferences, and training workshops in the humanitarian sector
• Transcription of recorded data collection sessions.

Research and Studies.

Innovative Solution provides comprehensive and contextual research and studies through its vast network of expert and specialized researchers.

• Preparing specialized research.
• Developing and conducting studies that aim at supporting stability and sustainable peace.

Media and Branding.

We provide the below services for both NGOs and businesses:

• Branding
• Visual Identities
• Graphic design
• Infographics
• Social media designs
• Web development
• DBMS Specialist
• .Net
• Marketing
• IT Support Technician

our achievements.

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Trained people
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Projects Completed
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Customers served around the world

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